Wednesday, June 29, 2011
This is Service Design Thinking - Book Trailer
This is Service Design Thinking introduces an inter-disciplinary approach to designing services. Service design is a bit of a buzzword these days and has gained a lot of interest from various fields. This book, assembled to describe and illustrate the emerging field of service design, was brought together using exactly the same co-creative and user-centred approaches you can read and learn about inside. The boundaries between products and services are blurring and it is time for a different way of thinking: this is service design thinking.
More information about the book:
Lauren Currie is the Director of Snook, Mypolice and often wears tartan tights.
You can find her on twitter, linked in and skype, and if you want to email her you can do that too.
In the past she has worked for DesignThinkers, Deutsche Telekom and Future Gov but is now focused on changing the lives of the people of Scotland through service design and practical action.
Six challenges for design education
Thursday 25 June 2009
Design education is failing to equip students with the necessary skills to work in public services if it remains solely focused on product and industrial design, according to a new paper published today by the RSA.
The paper – Social Animals: tomorrow’s designers in today's world – says that design education is not keeping pace with the growing demand for new design professionals able to operate in a range of service-based environments.The paper argues that design education is still largely predicated on industrial principles. Students need to be equipped with a broader range of research and communication skills, alongside their more traditional design skills, and encouraged to think more laterally about the sites and spaces where these could be used.
RED was set up in 2004 by the Design Council to tackle social and economic issues through design led innovation.
We-think: the power of mass creativity - what do you think? RED Associate, Charles Leadbeater, has realeasd a draft of his new book, We-think: the power of mass creativity, prior to publication and invites review and comment. The book looks at the rise of the likes of Wikipedia and Youtube, Linux and Craigslist and what this means for the way we organise ourselves, not just in digital businesses but in schools and hospitals, cities and mainstream corporations. Charlie's argument is that these new forms of mass, creative collaboration announce the arrival of a society in which participation will be the key organising idea rather than consumption and work. People want to be players not just spectators, part of the action, not on the sidelines.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Mind Map for Course Planning and logistics
This is a MindMap in Issuu. Potentially all presentations will be uploaded onto Issuu and posted here. Presentations at the weekly crit will be done from this site.
This is Service Design Thinking
There's something called "Service Design" and there's something called "Design Thinking". Now there is also a hybrid of the two - "Service Design Thinking".
The term is the theme in a new textbook "This is Service Design Thinking" edited by Marc Stickdorn and Jakob Schneider.
23 international authors as well as online users have contributed to the book, which is divided into 3 main parts: 1) Basics. 2) Tools. 3) Cases.
The book is a toolbox of methods, context and inspiration and you don't need to be a "service designer" to read or use it. Service Design is an interdiciplinary field and most of the 25 tools and methods described in part two (e.g. "personas", "idea generation", "shadowing") are pretty universal, and can be used by anyone working in the service sector and/or with creative idea development.
Q: What is "Service Design Thinking"?
Marc Stickdorn: I don't want to define the term, but rather briefly outline what it means for me. In my opinion, sdt is a language/process/toolbox, which people from different disciplines can agree on in order to work efficiently as a true interdisciplinary team. The approach is based on five basic principles: it is user-centered, co-creative, sequencing, evidencing and holistic. I would describe it as one way to put in practice the concept of service-dominant logic.
Q: Where do you see the biggest need and opportunity for Service Design Thinking?
Marc Stickdorn: I see the need everyday. Take a look at the impact of social media on society: the way the "social media megaphone" changes the focus from one-way communication to establishing meaningful relationships; from advertising to improving service quality. Sdt helps organisations to understand not only how customers interact with their offered services and/or products, but also their environment, including the interactions with other stakeholders and artefacts.
Q: When is the last time you had a really good service experience - and what made it a good one?
Marc Stickdorn: Just now. I had a really good coffee in a relaxed atmosphere and the smile of the waitress just made my day! Often, less is more.. :)